Monday, 28 January 2013

Snowkel - Natsu No Kyouryuu +Translation

 Another Snowkel song! I really love them, and this song has the prettiest lyrics. At first I wondered what a song called 'Summer Dinosaur' could be about but yeah, it's actually pretty deep. Please enjoy! And as usual, feel free to correct me.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Snowkel - REWIND Lyrics + Translation

Snowkel is a really underappreciated jrock band.Their music is fun and unique and they deserved more exposure while they were still together. Due to them not being all that popular there are very few English translations for their songs out there so I wanted to contribute. Their lyrics are often cryptic and whacky but still very cute. Please enjoy~

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Kagerou - Yami ni Warau Kuro Lyrics + Translation



Friday, 11 January 2013

Amnesia OP Lyrics

Hello, my name is Harumi, it is nice to meet you all! Although you all is probably no one except for me, though if you are reading this, please comment! I'm sure we have all heard of the amazing otome game called Amnesia, where you play a girl who's lost her memory and tries to get it back by interacting with sexy mansluts. If not, check it out here, but beware of spoilers. In any case, an anime for this game is in the making and the first episode is out already. I don't have very high hopes, seeing as otome adaptations usually suck balls but I'll watch it anyway because Ukyo <33

Anyway, the first episode was decidedly boring, I didn't like the way the heroine acted and her voice annoyed me. However, the art was fantastic and I loved the opening song. What did you think of the first episode? In any case, I tried to figure out the lyrics by ear and this is what I got. Feel free to correct me! n___n